Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Hole

The hole keeps getting bigger
I can't stop
I must keep going
why is the question of the moment
I am afraid
Afraid of many things
But the hole still lingers
I no longer seem to smile
I just seem to go through the motions
When does it end...
Why don't I feel normal
Why don't I feel whole
Maybe I'll never know
I will probably always feel this way...
always feel the hole...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

am I because I am or I am because I am?
No one can tell
I hide away ashamed
I hide away well
I hide so no one can see inside
vacant headlights shine down the beaten path

Friday, April 16, 2010

In A Coma

My brain is in a fog
a deep freeze
where did my intellect go
was it sucked down the tubes
was it eaten by sanity
munched on by ravonious germs
who knows
all I know is I am here
but my brain has moved
it left no forwarding address
I am lost
no one turned anything into the found box
do no good
I am gone